stuck in a rut?
Is your creativity stuck in a rut?
Read on for ideas that may help get that creative mojo flowing once again.
exhibition announcement
I am pleased to announce that one of my images (Beach Stroll) has been selected for the upcoming ‘Fine Art’ exhibition at the Blank Wall gallery in Athens, Greece.
Details can be found within.
influencers - Arthur Meyerson
Arthur Meyerson is recognized as one of America’s finest color photographers. But above all else it is his eye for a photograph and the ease at which he seems to create art that acts as inspiration for self-improvement
Read on to find out more about Arthur and sample his intriguing work.
mobile challenge
Vacations can offer so much opportunity for the enthusiast, but how can we balance time shooting with that spent with those we love?
Here I face the challenge of solely using my mobile phone as I enjoy quality vacation time with the family.
The results are interesting……
feeling loupey
Have you ever returned from a shoot only to discover that results were not as expected?
This one accessory may help reduce those frustrations.
Pep goes mobile
As photographers we often get hamstrung by the idea that creativity requires the use of expensive equipment.
Read on to discover if Ventosa-style images can be successfully achieved using the simple phone in your pocket.
snowstorm challenge
Shooting during a snowstorm offers a different set of benefits and challenges over the typical winter landscape.
Read on to discover potential gains and obstacles that may have to be overcome.
influencers - Gotfried Roemer
Few artists present an essence of the human form as beautifully as Gotfried Roemer.
Read on to discover the artist and view a sample of his work
moving beyond the thirds
The rule of thirds can be an invaluable tool when learning composition, but over-reliance can stifle both creativity and interest.
How can we wean ourselves from this core staple, and ultimately produce more interesting, fulfilling work?
influencers - Cole Thompson
They say a picture paints a thousand words. Well, the words that tell the story of the evolution of Cole Thompson from imitator to artist in his own right are words that truly resonate with me.
And as for stories? Be sure not to miss the story behind the featured image - ‘The Angel Gabriel’.
influencers - Teo Crawford
As photographers we strive for a quality of light that provides the best chance of exceptional results.
Here I’d like to introduce a photographer that dares to go against the norm, seeking out flat and uninspiring lighting, whilst creating deep and atmospheric results.
first look - light moves
Winter can prove to be a difficult season to capture creative ICM images. In this post I look beyond monochromatic landscapes to explore options using colorful festive lights.
influencers - Jim Kasson
Photographers can go to great lengths to create their own distinct style. One artist takes this goal to the extreme, capturing his subjects using long exposures from a moving car.
Read on to discover the work of such an innovative artist - Jum Kasson.
influencers - Alexey Titarenko
It is only after revisiting the work of Alexey Titarenko that I realize how much his haunting images have influenced my own vision.
Read more to discover Titarenko the artist and view samples of his wonderful work.
first look series
As photographers we continuously explore, experiment and create new work.
This series provides an insight and initial results of such explorations where I feel the experience may benefit others.
influencers - Erik Malm
The ability to capture multiple subject elements within a single exposure may be beyond practical comprehension. Through perfected techniques Erik Malm not only accomplishes this challenge but creates stunning work in the process.
Check out an insight into Erik and a sample of his incredible work.
influencers - Chris Friel
How can a color-blind painter transition into becoming an innovative and award-winning ICM photographer?
Read on to discover the vision of Chris Friel that inspires so many.
ICM simulation - a practical comparison
Estimating the effect of camera movement speed and direction requires a lot of experimentation in the field. However, there is a simple tool that can be used at home to speed that learning curve.
Here I process an image to prove results, showing that by simulating camera motion on a non-ICM image we can truly create what we might accomplish in the field.
influencers - Pep Ventosa
Have you ever come across a photograph that makes you exclaim and wonder ‘Wow, who created that, and how???’
Read on to find out how the discovery of Pep Ventosa has influenced my own direction over the past years.
So many artists have inspired and had a lasting influence on my work, many of which are not household names
The ‘influencer’ series of blogs places a spotlight on those whose have conspired to form the artist I am today, and whose influence continues to direct my thoughts.