first look - light moves

(first version published January 26, 2022)

Winter proves to be the most difficult season to produce creative ICM images. I find barren trees set against expanses of white snow much more suited to a minimalistic photo style, with ICM options somewhat limited.

This year I decided to ‘branch out’ as it were, and explore the festive lights that adorn our neighborhoods, streets and parks over the holiday period.

Following are images I took when visiting such a park, with lights embellishing tree limbs and a Christmas ‘tunnel’ installed for the enjoyment of children and adults alike. Although purely experimental I was quite pleased with the results. As can be seen in the tree images a range of techniques and motions were used to create different and interesting effects.

The results will certainly provide me food for thought and ideas when next winter rolls along.

Alan Brown

Photographer from Burlington, Vermont, USA

influencers - Teo Crawford


influencers - Jim Kasson