influencers - Alexey Titarenko
(first published March 17, 2021)
When documenting the artists who have influenced my work I typically stay away from the ‘big guns’ like the Ansel Adams and Henri Cartier-Bressons of the world. Let’s face it, it is more or less a given that such heavyweights influence our work (if not in their own right then through the work of others) , whether we are conscious of it or not.
One artist that I consider a bit more mainstream than my regular offerings but may not be known to many is the Russian Photographer, Alexey Titarenko. I came across Alexey’s work some time ago, and found his approach to be somewhat unique.
About the Artist
The following is taken from Alexey’s Bio -
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 he produced several series of photographs about the human condition of the Russian people during this time and the suffering they endured throughout the twentieth century. To illustrate links between the present and the past, he created powerful metaphors by introducing long exposure and intentional camera movement into street photography. The most well known series of this period is City of Shadows.
"The idea of the City of Shadows emerged quite unexpectedly and quite naturally during the collapse [of the Soviet Union] in the fall of 1991. I mean that the concept itself stemmed from my impressions nourished by the everyday reality.
“…. the Soviet people, all these human beings deprived of their individuality and turned into “signs” by a criminal regime, began transforming from smiling and happy-looking “signs” into wandering shadows, even though rejecting the role of a “sign” could result in the loss of life.”
Source of inspiration
Alexey is an artist that with his use of motion accurately conveys the human story of post-Soviet Russia. I find his compositions deeply meaningful and emotional, producing the type of images that stay with the viewer for years. Alexey’s influence can be seen in our contemporaries, including the work of Cole Thompson (see Ghosts of Auschwitz -
Artist showcase
I would highly recommend a visit to Alexey’s site to view his wonderful work, here is a sample of images from his City of Shadows collection;