followICM update
What’s more appealing than a free, one-of-a-kind guide to inspire your photography?
How about one that’s been recently updated and featured in a renowned magazine?
Read on for more info…..

snapgrip review update
Last month I posted about a camera grip accessory I had posted.
Now that I have spent significant time using the device read on for my current thoughts and an important caveat I have come across.

enhancing the smartphone experience
The challenge of accepting the smartphone as a capable camera persists.
But can a simple accessory help shift this 'snapshot' mindset and at the same time elevate the photo taking experience?

changing a mobile mindset
Until recently, I've somewhat regarded my mobile device as a 'camera of last resort.'
In this blog, I discuss the evolution of my mindset and explore where newfound realizations might lead.

streetwalker part 5 - after dark
Initially dismissed, I found that long-exposure images capturing the city after dark adds a new dimension to my ‘street walker’ project.
Keep reading to explore the results of this fresh challenge and the conditions I consider essential for achieving such outcomes.

streetwalker part 4 - transportation
This final post in the Streetwalker series sees me expanding the scope of my technique with a focus on the New York transit system.
Continue reading to discover the hurdles experienced, and how the challenge was modified to achieve satisfactory results.

streetwalker part 3 - Rain Day
The third post in the Streetwalker series follows my journey to the railway station as I left New York in the midst of a rainstorm.
Continue to see results worthy the soaking I received.

streetwalker part 2 - art within
The second post in the Streetwalker series takes us inside a renowned art museum.
Join me as I create my own artistic expressions within these hallowed walls.

first looks - streetwalker
It's gratifying when the effort put into experimentation pays off with positive results.
Read on to discover how meandering through city streets led to such fulfilling outcomes.

spectre camera app review
Have you ever come across a beautiful waterfall and wished you had a DSLR and tripod at hand?
Read on to discover an app that allows stunning shots to be taken on a basic iPhone - no bulky gear required.

mobile challenge
Vacations can offer so much opportunity for the enthusiast, but how can we balance time shooting with that spent with those we love?
Here I face the challenge of solely using my mobile phone as I enjoy quality vacation time with the family.
The results are interesting……

Pep goes mobile
As photographers we often get hamstrung by the idea that creativity requires the use of expensive equipment.
Read on to discover if Ventosa-style images can be successfully achieved using the simple phone in your pocket.