an ethical dilemma
Photographing those experiencing homelessness is a divisive topic.
While photography has the power to raise awareness and spark change, it can also risk exploitation if not approached with care.
In this post, I explore the balance between storytelling and sensitivity, questioning how we can capture these moments in an ethical manner.

a (snowy) walk in the park
Capturing the character of a snowstorm can be challenging, but rewarding.
Read on to discover how a change in weather persuaded me to leave the comfort of home for a walk in the park

AI as a support tool - part 2
The benefits of using ChatGPT as an image analysis tool was discussed in the preceding blog post.
This post expands on that functionality, exploring how the tool may be extended to website analysis and research.

AI as a support tool
The benefits of using ChatGPT for text content generation is well understood. But what may not be known is this tool can become a powerful companion when it comes to image analysis.
Read on to see how ChatGPT can become a welcome tool in your photographic arsenal.

Christophe Jacrot - inspiring in the face of adversity
When most photographers pack up their gear and retreat indoors at the first sign of rain, Christophe Jacrot heads out into the storm.
Read on to discover the work of a man who transforms rain, snow, fog, and overcast skies into essential elements of compelling stories.

a year of reflection
2024 was a year that presented me with a number of highlights and new experiences.
This blog entry summarizes those events and sets a new goal for the coming year.

dare to be you
Feedback on our work can not only influence our mood but also steer the direction of our artistry.
Read on to learn why it's important to be cautious of others' opinions and discover tips for combating negativity.

the journey through ICM: From Novice to Expert
Many fail in their ICM endeavors due to a lack of understanding of the required learning process.
Here, I outline what I see as the key steps in a journey that will help transport photographers from beginners to those who achieve exceptional results.

snapgrip review update
Last month I posted about a camera grip accessory I had posted.
Now that I have spent significant time using the device read on for my current thoughts and an important caveat I have come across.

enhancing the smartphone experience
The challenge of accepting the smartphone as a capable camera persists.
But can a simple accessory help shift this 'snapshot' mindset and at the same time elevate the photo taking experience?

changing a mobile mindset
Until recently, I've somewhat regarded my mobile device as a 'camera of last resort.'
In this blog, I discuss the evolution of my mindset and explore where newfound realizations might lead.

stop looking, start feeling
How might our experience with photography be improved if we learned to feel rather than see?
Check out this video that explains how to craft photographs that stand out from the crowd.

in praise of the process
As hobbyist photographers we can often become discouraged when fixated on the end result.
Read on to discover how to rekindle the lost joy when pursuing your own craft.

ETTR - a technical perspective
‘Exposing to the Right’ is a controversial technique that claims to improve detail in the shadow areas of images.
In this post I take the reader through camera sensor design and my feelings on how that might relate to the ETTR theory.

a question of reality
They say “the camera never lies”. But how many times do we become discouraged by the camera’s inability to reflect what we witness with our own eyes?
Read on to discover how the camera and photographer may share differing realities.

seeing your vision
Your photographs may present the world as you see it, but do they present a personal vision?
Read on to discover why those with vision stand out, with a helpful tip on how to discover your own style.

a first look at the new Photoshop Generative Fill feature
The new Generative Fill feature of Photoshop v24.0.6 promises so much in the way of removing distractions, as well as adding or creating content.
But how well does the feature work when tested by a non-expert? Read on to see the results of my own dive into this exciting Photoshop addition.

is Instagram the fast food chain of the art world?
Does Instagram provide the fast food of the art world?
Instagram offers a ubiquitous platform that allows every photographer to share their work with the world. But does this exposure come at a cost?
Read on to discover how IG may reflect negatively on your artistry and how to best leverage what the platform has to offer.

defining the new ICM
Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) techniques have evolved significantly since the introduction of the digital camera.
Is the long standing definition of ICM fit for today’s world, or does it need to reviewed to match current boundaries and techniques?

Considerate Camera Movement
Looking for ideas to take you ICM work to the next level?
Read on to discover how putting ‘intent’ back into intentional can be a game changer.