in memory of Francesca
the influencers, history Alan Brown the influencers, history Alan Brown

in memory of Francesca

Francesca Woodman's work offers more than meets the eye, with her struggles with mental health profoundly shaping her art before tragically ending her life.

As a young artist turning the lens on herself, she captured a level of rawness and vulnerability that has cemented her status as a photographic icon.

Keep reading to learn more about Francesca’s life and work.

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an appreciation of Stieglitz
the influencers, history Alan Brown the influencers, history Alan Brown

an appreciation of Stieglitz

In this post I dig down to the artistic roots of the medium and offer the man considered to be the father of modern photography, Alfred Stieglitz.

Read on to discover how Stieglitz promoted photography as an true art form and brought the works from aspiring new artists such as Picasso to the attention of the American public.

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influencers - Chris Killip
the influencers Alan Brown the influencers Alan Brown

influencers - Chris Killip

Many of us feel a deep sentiment as we gaze upon images of past worlds that have now slipped away from us.

Read on to explore the work of a photographer dedicated to preserving the nostalgia of a fading era and discover the potential value our own work may hold for future generations.

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alone in the storm
stories Alan Brown stories Alan Brown

alone in the storm

There are some images where content alone is unable to convey the complete story.

Here I share the experience that led up to one of my favorite works, and how that continues to drive an emotional response.

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on closer inspection
Alan Brown Alan Brown

on closer inspection

I feel that understanding the story behind images often creates closer connections for the viewer.

In this post I select a sample of street photography images taken on my New York trip and provide some background that may be of interest.

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taking it to the street
first looks Alan Brown first looks Alan Brown

taking it to the street

An extended stay in New York City presented an opportunity to explore street photography skills that I could not pass up.

This post chronicles my attempts to come to grips with the genre and the results of those efforts.

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first looks - art connections
first looks Alan Brown first looks Alan Brown

first looks - art connections

Taking inspiration from the work of Paul Harrison, this is an attempt to capture key interactions between museum visitors and artwork on display.

Continue reading to view results and gain insight into the challenges faced during the project.

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ETTR - a technical perspective
perspectives Alan Brown perspectives Alan Brown

ETTR - a technical perspective

‘Exposing to the Right’ is a controversial technique that claims to improve detail in the shadow areas of images.

In this post I take the reader through camera sensor design and my feelings on how that might relate to the ETTR theory.

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a question of reality
perspectives Alan Brown perspectives Alan Brown

a question of reality

They say “the camera never lies”. But how many times do we become discouraged by the camera’s inability to reflect what we witness with our own eyes?

Read on to discover how the camera and photographer may share differing realities.

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