influencers - Thomas Heaton
This blog post is one that is long overdue…..
I’ve been inspired by the work of Thomas Heaton for many years - ever since he first started sharing videos of his solo camping adventures photographing the beautiful Lake District area of the UK.
Since then, Thomas has traveled the world, offering viewers an intimate look not only at his stunning photography but also at the stories that enrich each shared image. His words, just as much as his art, have been a source of inspiration for much of what I do today.
About the Artist
“I love being outside and I love the never ending challenge of trying to portray ‘that feeling’, you know, the warm evenings at twilight, the sense of isolation when you have a mountain to yourself, the sound of waves lapping the shore of an empty beach.”
Thomas will be familiar to many readers. With nearly 600K subscribers and over 73 MILLION views of his expansive YouTube content, his name has likely crossed your path. This level of popularity hasn’t come by chance. Beyond being a passionate photographer, Thomas’s background as a professional videographer has positioned him perfectly for success in the world of YouTube.
Residing in the North East of the UK, Thomas identifies primarily as a landscape photographer. That said he has interest in many spheres of photography trying his hand at multiple genres such as wildlife, street and even Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) photography - all recorded for the entertainment of his viewing audience.
One of Thomas’s earlier images, captured on an overnight hiking trip in the Lake District
Source of inspiration
Although I’ve followed Thomas’ adventures since his humble beginnings, it’s not just his stunning photography that stands out as the most inspirational aspect for me. What sets him apart is his unique way of storytelling - bringing the viewer along for the journey. His videos are always well-produced, and his narratives are consistently engaging.
But what truly resonates with me is his honesty and perspective on photography. One of my biggest takeaways from Thomas’s videos has been his approach to failure. After rising before dawn, driving for hours, and hiking to a location to catch a sunrise, he stays positive throughout - even if the weather doesn’t cooperate or he can’t find a composition that works. Through his eyes, the adventure itself becomes the main event, with a successful image simply the icing on the cake.
On days when my own attempts fail to go as planned, his words remind me that great photography can’t be forced, perseverance is key, and it’s okay to return home without taking a single shot.
Another concept that has stuck with me is that of opportunity. Thomas frequently emphasizes that improving our chances of capturing a great image starts with creating opportunities - getting out there, exploring, and putting ourselves in the right places.
To discount Thomas as a serious photographer on the basis of his YouTuber channel would be a serious injustice. Having work featured in National Geographic and on the BBC is testament enough to his skill as a photographer, but his ability to craft compelling stories and expertise behind the camera really put him in a league of his own. Whether or not his style aligns with your personal taste, his videos are both engaging and insightful - especially for those seeking a realistic look at the challenges and joys of photography in the field.
Tom was recently interviewed by FRAMES magazine podcast, which is linked below. Always the entertainer, Tom answers questions on how he found photography through failure, his philosophy on following rules, and so much more.
Artist showcase
Here’s a small sample of Thomas’ work. For a more expansive collection I highly recommend you visit his website (Thomas Heaton Photography), and don’t forget to visit his YouTube channel .